Fear is not the motivator. We must not be prisoners of the moment, rushing to apply every major worldly event to end-time prophecy. However, Bible states that it is the watchmen's duty to point to the system, its characteristics, how it operates, what it looks like today, and how it all ties back to faith alone, in Christ alone. These prophecy reports and updates focus on the three-fold union that the Bible warns us about. The Dragon, the Beast, and the false Prophet.
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Make no mistake. The Beast of Revelation 13 is the little horn power. It is undoubtedly Papal Rome.

Our Prophecy Report newsletter will focus on this important element of the three-fold union that will persecute God's people. How do we know for sure the beast of Revelation 13 is Papal Rome? Click below to find out.
The Beast
The Bible tells us the Dragon is the serpent of old. Satan himself, who deceives the whole world.

Our Prophecy Report newsletter will focus on this important element of the three-fold union that will persecute God's people. How do w know for sure the Dragon is Satan? Click below to find out.
The Dragon
The False Prophet of Revelation is none other than Apostate Protestantism.

Our Prophecy Report newsletter will focus on this important element of the three-fold union that will persecute God's people. How do we know Apostate American Protestantism is the the False Prophet? Click below to find out.
The False Prophet
Our prophecy news page is dedicated to focusing on the events taking place regarding this three fold union and also other signs the Bible has warned us of such as famines, pestilences, wars, and other news that connects to the mark of the beast.
Wanting more? Check out our prophecy news page.
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